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Aboriginal Peoples

Aboriginal words in English have a sense of "indigenous peoples / indigenous population", and put into use since the 17th century to refer to native Australians at that time.


Currently there are no clear or acceptable theory about the origins of Australian aboriginal race. Although they migrated to Australia through Southeast Asia, but there is no linkage with the tribal population in Asia, and also by residents of adjacent islands, such as Melanesia and Polynesia.

Prior to European occupation

Aboriginal peoples Equipment

The first time it comes in contact with Europe, it is estimated there are about 250,000 to 1 million people live in Australia. This population level is estimated to also have been quite stable for thousands of years.

Post-colonization, aboriginal populations in coastal areas started to disappear, and displaced from their homelands. Some aspects of aboriginal life traditions can still survive in areas that are rarely occupied by settlers from Europe, such as the Great Sandy Desert.

The impact of European occupation
In 1770, James Cook landed on the east coast of Australia and took over the area and named it as the New South Wales, as part of the United Kingdom. British colonization in Australia, which began in 1788, became a big disaster for the aboriginal population of Australia. Outbreaks of disease from the Europeans, like smallpox, measles and influenza spread in the occupied territories. The settlers, aboriginal people regard Australia as a nomad who can be evicted from his place to use as an agricultural region. It is fatal, namely aboriginal nations cut off from the shelter, water and a source of life. Moreover with the weak condition due to illness. Conditions resulted in the aboriginal population was reduced by 90% in the period between 1788 to 1900. All aboriginal communities who are on a pretty fertile area in the southern part of extinction even without a trace.

source: www.wikipedia.org

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