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Lion Dance

Lion dance is a traditional Chinese dance by using gloves that resembled a lion. Lion dance has a history of thousands of years. The first record of this dance can be traced to the Chin Dynasty around the third century BC.


Lion dance arts became popular in the era of North-South dynasty (Nan Bei) years 420-589 AD. At that time the troops of King Wen Song overwhelmed by the attack on the elephant king's troops from the country Fan Yang Yi Lin. A warlord named Zhong Que create derivative lion puppet army to expel the king's Fan. Apparently the effort was successful until the end barongsai legendary dance.

Dance and Movement

The lion dance consists of two main types of the North Lions have curly mane and four legs. Northern Lion looks more natural and look like a lion than a South Lions have scales and the number of legs that vary between two or four. Southern Lion head is equipped with horns that are sometimes similar to the animals 'Kilin'.

Movement between the North and the Lions Southern Lions also different. When the famous South Lions head movements hard and bobbing along with the beat of gongs and drums, the North Lions movements tend to be more agile and dynamic because it has four legs.

One major movements of the dance lion Lion Dance is the movement envelope of money to eat, called by the term 'Lay See'. On top of the envelope is usually attached with watercress vegetables that symbolize the gift of the Lion. Consuming process 'Lay See' This lasted for about half a part of the Lion dance.

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