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Social and Cultural Papua Province, Indonesia

Referring to the differences tofografi and customs, the population of Papua could be classified into three major groups, respectively:

1. Population coastal and island areas with common characteristics of homes on the pole (stage house) with a pound of sago livelihoods and fishing);
2. Rural residents who live in rivers, lakes and swamps of the valley and foothills. Generally they livelihood fishing, hunting and collecting forest products;
3. Upland area residents with gardening and livelihoods in a simple breed.

Indigenous groups in Papua consists of 193 tribes with 193 languages, each different. Tribal arts beautiful and famous in the world has been made by the Asmat tribe, Ka moro, Dani, and Sentani. Source of local wisdom for humanitarian and environmental management among the better can be found in the tribe AITINYO, Arfak, Asmat, Agast, Aya maru, Mandacan, Biak, Arni, Sentani, and others.

Papuan people generally live in kinship systems by embracing the line of the father (patrilinea). Local culture comes from Melanesia. Indigenous population of Papua society tends to use local language is strongly influenced by natural marine, forest and mountains.

In the social behavior there is a philosophy that is very unique community, such as that shown by the tribal culture of Comoros in Mimika District, which makes drums with blood. Dani in Jayawijaya District, who liked to make war, which in the Dani language called Win. This culture is a hereditary heritage and cultural festivals in the valley made Baliem. There is also the traditional home Honai, in which there is the preserved mummy with traditional herbs. There are three mummies in Wamena; Aikima Mummy 350-year-old, 300 years Jiwika mummy, mummy Pumo and 250-year-old.

In tribal Marin, Merauke District, there Sasi Planting ceremony, a type of wood that held as part of a series of funeral rites. Sasi planted 40 days after the death of a person and will be dropped again after 1000 days. Asmat culture with carvings and souvenirs from the famous Asmat up to foreign countries. Asmat carvings has four meanings and functions, respectively:

1. Symbolizing the presence of ancestral spirits;
2. To express feelings of sadness and happiness;
3. As a symbol of trust with human motifs, animals, plants and other objects;
4. As a symbol of beauty and image of the memory of ancestors.

Imeko ethnic culture in South Sorong regency traditional dance displays Imeko with Maybrat ethnic culture with traditional dances such as commemorating a specific day of harvest sugar cane, into a new house and others.

Religion is one of the most important aspect of public life in Papua and in the case of inter-religious harmony there can be an example for other regions, the majority Christian population, but nevertheless in line with the smooth transportation to and from Papua, the number of people with religious Other including Islam also growing. Many missionaries who perform religious mission in the interior-interior of Papua. They play an important role in helping the community, either through missionary schools, clinics and direct education in agriculture, teaching Indonesian and other practical knowledge. Missionaries also a pioneer in open flight path to the inland areas not reached by regular flights.

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