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Dayak Traditional Art


Dayak is a designation for a native of Kalimantan island. Kalimantan island divided based on the Administrative area of each region consists of: East Kalimantan capital Samarinda, Kalimantan capital of Banjarmasin, capital of Central Kalimantan Palangka Raya, and West Kalimantan capital Pontianak.

Tribal Dayak groups, divided in more sub-sub-tribe of the amount of approximately 405 sub (by Lontaan Ju, 1975). Each sub tribe Dayak Kalimantan on the island have customs and cultures that are similar, refers to the difference between sociology kemasyarakatannya and customs, culture, and language that is typical. Past society which is now called the Dayak tribe, inhabit coastal regions and coastal rivers in every residential them.

Kalimantan Dayak ethnic anthropology according to a Ju Lontaan, 1975 in his book and Customary Law Customs West Kalimantan, consists of 6 major tribes and 405 sub-tribe of small, which is spread across Kalimantan. Strong currents that bring urbanization influences from outside, as they wilt cause to evacuate the more remote rural and hilly areas in the Kalimantan.

They call themselves with groups that come from an area based on the name of the river, the hero, the name of nature and so forth. For example, Iban tribe of origin of said ivan (in Kayan, ivan = vagrant) also according to other sources that they call themselves by the name of the tribe of Batang Lupar, as derived from the river Batang Lupar, the border of West Kalimantan with Serawak, Malaysia. Mualang tribe, a name taken from a figure of patriarch (Manok Sabung / murderer) in Tampun Juah and name names enshrined into a creek in the area Ketungau Sintang District (as a) and then made a name Mualang Dayak tribe. Dayak Bukit (Kanayatn / Ahe) comes from the hill / mountain Bawang. Similarly origin Dayak Kayan, drowsiness, Tamambaloh, Kenyah, Benuag, Ngaju and others, who have a background history of its own.

But there were also Dayak tribes who do not know the origin of the name again sukunya. The name "Dayak" or "Power" is the name eksonim name (which is not provided by the public itself) and not endonim name (the name given by the community itself). Dayak word comes from the word power "which means that upstream, to the people who live in rural areas or generally perhuluan Kalimantan and West Kalimantan in particular, (although now many of the Dayak people have been living in the city districts and provinces) that have similarity customs and culture and still adhere tradition.

Central Kalimantan have any problem etnisitas a very different appeal in West Kalimantan. The majority of ethnis that inhabit Central Kalimantan Dayak is ethnis, the largest tribe of Dayaks Ngaju, OT Danum, Maanyan, Hamlet, etc.. While the religion of their follow is vary. Dayak who Islamite in Central Kalimantan, Dayak ethnisnya still maintain, as well as the Dayak who convert to Christianity. Religion native Dayak tribe in Central Kalimantan is Kaharingan, which is the original religion that was born from the local culture before the Indonesian people to know that the first Hindu religion. Because Hindu meyebar was knowledgeable in the world, especially Indonesia and well known area, compared to the Dayak tribe of religion, the Religion Kaharingan classified to a branch of Hindu religion.

West Kalimantan to have their unique process alkurturasi cultural movement or a religious culture of the local community. In this process very closely associated with the two largest tribes in the West Kalimantan Dayak, Malay and Chinese. In the beginning of the Dayak inhabit the coast of West Kalimantan, with the living traditions and culture of each, and traders came from the Islamic religious gujarab (Arabic Literature) with the purpose of selling, buying goods from and to the Dayak people, and because they often interact, frequently take-back and take goods and merchandise from the Malacca to (a central trade in the past), cause they wish settle in new areas that have potential for a big trade advantage them.

This is a charm for the Dayak people in contact with the newcomers who bring new knowledge to a foreign area. Due to frequent occurrence of the sale and purchase transaction of goods needs, and cultural interaction, the coast of West Kalimantan to become crowded, visit the local community (Dayak) and Arab traders from Malay Selat Malaka. In the religious system of the Dayak people began to be affected and influenced by the Malay traders who have the knowledge, education and religion of Islam from the outside Kalimantan. Because the harmonious relationship that involved either, or the local Dayak people, who have put sympathy to the traders of Gujarat are slowly affected, then accepted Islam and was known in the year 1550 in the Kingdom of M on the Tanjung Pura Giri Kusuma penerintahan which is kerajan and slow wilt slow start in the spread of West Kalimantan.

Dayak people still adhere to the belief dinamismenya, they believe every place there is a certain ruler, which they call: Jubata, Petara, Ala Taala, Penompa and others, to God the highest designation, and they still have any other authority under the power of God tertingginya: eg: Puyang Gana (Dayak mualang) is the land of the ruler, King Juata (water authorities), Kama "Baba (Land authorities), Jobata, Apet Kuyan'gh (Dayak Mali), and others. For those who still holds a firm belief in its dynamism and its original culture, they separate themselves far more incoming kepedalaman.

But few of the Dayak people have entered Islam because of marriage more mimic the style of living that are considered migrants have advanced civilization as many associated with the outside world. (And then go according to the growth of the Christian missionaries and the mission / Christian inland). In general, the Dayak people who moved Islam in West Kalimantan are considered by the tribe of the same tribe dayak wilt. Dayak tribe that is still original (to uphold the trust the ancestors) in the past, they tried to reinforce the differences, dayak tribe who converted to Islam (because Perkawinan with ethnic Malay) reveal themselves as a tribe melayu.banyak identity will forget as the start of the dayak tribe new religious and bound by customary rules istiadatnya. After the newcomers in the coastal berasimilasi with the Dayak tribes who migrated (through marriage with the tribes wilt) to Islam, Islamic religion is synonymous with the tribe wither and Christian religious beliefs dynamism or more identical to the tribe of urbanization to occur Dayak.sejalan kalimantan, causing coastal Kalimantan West to be busy, because more and more newcomers in the visit both local and nusantara other.

To set the local leaders who will wither on the local community was a leader or be given a degree Penembahan (terms that brought immigrants to take the royalty) penembahan lives independently in an area based on the authority of the religious composition of the central government, and tend to maintain area. But sometimes penembahan is subject to the claims of the original kingdom, for the security or the expansion of power.

The Dayak people who moved to the religion of Islam or who have married with the newcomers called the Malay Senganan, or sign in senganan / incoming Sea, and now they claim themselves as Malays. They take one of the leaders of their segani good ethnisnya and migrants who have seagama and charismatic in kalangannya, as village leaders or the leaders they segani.

[edit] The Division of Dance DAYAK


Bangsa Dayak in West Kalimantan divided based on the sub-sub ethnik that spread throughout the districts in West Kalimantan. Based on Ethno Linguistics and cirri cultural dance movement Dayak in West Kalimantan to become the big 5:

1. . Kendayan / Kanayatn Grop: Bukit Dayak (ahe), Banyuke, Lara, Darit, Belangin, Bakati "etc.. Distribution area in Kabupaten Pontianak, Kabupaten Landak, Bengkayang District, and surrounding areas.
2. . Ribunic / Jangkang Grop: Dayak Ribun, Pandu, Pompakng, Latitude, Pangkodatn, Jangkang, Kembayan, Simpakng, etc.. Spreading in the area of the Kapuas District,
3. . Dayak Mali, the Central Tobakng Continental Bekuak Ketapang District and surrounding areas.
4. . Iban / Ibanic: Iban Dayak sub-sub and other small, Mualang, Ketungau, drowsiness, Sebaruk, Banyur, Tabun, Bugau, Undup, Saribas, Village, Seberuang, and so forth. Distribution area in Kabupaten Sambas (border), Sanggau District / malenggang and surrounding areas (the border) District Sekadau (Belitang Hilir, Central, Hulu) Sintang District, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Serawak, Sabah and Brunei Darusalam.
5. . Tamanic Grop: Parks, Tamambaloh and its sub, dull, and so forth. Distribution area in Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu.

In addition to ethno linguistic divided according to the recorded according to the number of large groupnya, there are many more that have not been teridentifikasikan, because the spread and disperse and divided into tribes that small. For example, the Dayak Ketapang District, the region Persaguan, Kendawangan, regional Kayong, Sandai, local Krio, Aur yellow. Regional Manjau etc..

Then Dayak Sambas Regency, namely Dameo / Damea, Sungkung area and Sambas Regency Bengkayang and so forth. Then Regency Sekadau towards Nanga Mahap and Nanga Park, Jawan, Jawai, Benawas, Kematu and others. Then Melawi District, namely: Linoh, Nyangai, OT Danum (kal-enter the tank), etc. Leboyan. Then Kapuas Hulu are:


* Background

"Ajat Temuai Datai" lifted from the Dayak Mualang (Ibanic Group), which can not be defined in lansung, karna if there is a gaffe in the mean word per word. But the dance is meant to welcome guests, aims to welcome guests or visitors who come agung (diagungkan). Early birth of this art from the period pengayauan / past, between groups of Dayak tribes. Mengayau, word came from me - ngayau, which means that the enemy (Dayak Iban language). But if mengayau contain the special action of a group looking for other (the enemy) with the attack and behead lawannya. In the Dayak community in the past Mualang the hero who returned from pengayauan and win the war and bring proof of a human head, is a guest who is considered a noble and a man who is able to become heroes for the group. Therefore diadakanlah ceremony "Ajat Temuai Datai". Dayak community to believe that someone in the head save a life force or spirit that can protect the owner and sukunya. According to A, U. Lontaan (Customary Law and Customs of West Kalimantan in 1974), there are four goals in mengayau namely: to protect agriculture, to get additional power of the soul, for vengeance, and as the resistance of a building. After getting the results from mengayau, the hero can not enter the village area, but with the way in providing sign language Mualang called Nyelaing Dayak (Dayak special shout) that sounds Heeih!, As many as seven times, which means returning heroes and victors in pengayauan and get the opponent that is still fresh. If the cry is only three times means that the victors in the war hero or mengayau but fell victim dipihaknya. If the only means that once the hero does not get anything, and not held a special reception. After providing a sign nyelaing, the pengayau send envoys to meet the head or the head in order to prepare sukunya event reception. Welcome this process, namely through three innings: Ngiring Temuai (guides accompany guests or guests) to the fore Panjai House (which houses long) process ngiring temuai how this is done with the dancing and dance this dance called Ajat (reception). Then the chieftain mengunsai yellow rice (rice mixed with lavish turmeric / yellow rice) and read the message or incantation as a requirement to invite Senggalang burong (sacred bird / birds penyampai advice or Petara message to Lord). The second phase of sharp buloh (cut with saber or cleaver to decide bamboo), the bamboo dibentangkan deliberately covered entrance to the house panjai and the guests must decide to cut mandaunya bamboo as a symbol of freedom from obstacles that impede the travel of delegates. The third phase is Nijak stones (set tumitnya touch a stone soaked in water that has been prepared), as a symbol of strong determination and dignity tinginya guests as the patriarch of a hero. Rendaman water on stone diteteskan on the front of the head as a symbol of strength and spirit of the rock hero by diteladani or greeted guests. Fourth round of Tama 'account (entering the house panjai), after a procession through the round over, the guests are allowed to ride home with a long cleanse themselves in a ritual called Start Bird (to restore the spirit of war / chase away evil spirits). by. John Roberto P, S. Sn Documents

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